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Genmanipulerad jäst, och virus (och JESUS KRISTUS)

Utrustning och teknik.
Inlägg: 36
Blev medlem: lör sep 12, 2020 19:36

Genmanipulerad jäst, och virus (och JESUS KRISTUS)

Inlägg av JesusÄrGudsOrd »

jästbolaget säger på sin hemsida iaf att deras jäst är helt GMO-fritt.


det påstås att Saccharomyces cerevisiae inte finns direkt i vingårdarna (om man inte tillsätter bottensatsen i jorden eller dylikt), om jag fattar det rätt. edit, kommer inte ihåg källan, men letar f.t och hittade flera som verkar påstå tvärtom faktiskt.

lite tillägg;
The adaptation model predicts that organisms adapted to a niche should be abundant in that niche. But S. cerevisiae is in fact vanishingly rare on fruit, even in vineyards where fruiting plants are artificially at very high densities and the associated winemaking would be expected to increase the overall abundance of yeast in the location (Mortimer and Polsinelli 1999; Knight and Goddard 2015). Metagenomic sequencing suggests that Saccharomyces sp. comprises less than 1:20 000 of the fungi on ripe grapes in vineyards;
instead, Crabtree-negative yeast species dominate (Taylor et al. 2014).
although S. cerevisiae tends to become the dominant organism when large numbers of fruit are gathered, combined and fermented by winemakers, it does not therefore follow that S. cerevisiae is well adapted to fruits under natural conditions. Indeed, given its scarcity on fruits, even in vineyards, it seems reasonable to question whether S. cerevisiae is especially adapted to fruit at all.
. Recently, Pretorious [15] reviewed the controversial origin of S. cerevisiae claiming that the primary source of this commercially important yeast is the vineyard, and that the presence or absence of S. cerevisiae differs with each plant and grape cluster [18]. Others believe the evidence points to a direct association with artificial, man-made environments such as wineries and fermentation plants, and that a natural origin for S. cerevisiae should be excluded [16]. Our study supports in part the first hypothesis, because S. cerevisiae can penetrate the plant via wounds. However, we add that strains of S. cerevisiae can also invade the plant tissues on their own, utilizing their arsenal of pectolytic enzymes. This explains how they survive on the plants throughout the years. In this respect, it will be interesting to demonstrate the eventual presence of yeast strains inside plants in the vineyard.
S. cerevisiae was not previously known to be a plant parasite
Microbes can establish mutualistic interactions with plants and insects. Here we track the movement of an endophytic strain of Streptomyces bacteria throughout a managed strawberry ecosystem. We show that a Streptomyces isolate found in the rhizosphere and on flowers protects both the plant and pollinating honeybees from pathogens (phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea and pathogenic bacteria, respectively). T
och uppenbarligen så är den kategoriserad som ett "mördar-jäst";

A killer yeast is a yeast, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is able to secrete one of a number of toxic proteins which are lethal to susceptible cells.[1]

som de säger är eller kan bli infekterat med virus;

The best characterized toxin system is from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which was found to spoil brewing of beer. In S. cerevisiae are toxins encoded by a double-stranded RNA virus,

påstående som detta, tycker jag är väldigt suspekt;

The greatest potential for control of killer yeasts appears to be the addition of the L-A virus and M dsRNA, or an equivalent gene, into the industrially desirable variants of yeast,

samt detta påminner ju inte lite om coronavaccinet;

The M dsRNAs encode the toxin, of which there are at least three variants in S. cerevisiae,[2][8] and many more variants across all species.[1][9]

ovanstående fetmarkerade citat är kopierat från;

Budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) are two popular model organisms for virus research. They are natural hosts for viruses as they carry their own indigenous viruses.

det ser verkligen ut som små gubbar inuti "vattenbubblor" som håller på med något;

frågan är om de har så bra koll på vad virus är för något. men å andra sidan är det kanske människoskapat från början, så är det något vi bör kunna få veta, så är det väl sån skit, enligt mina mycket briställiga logik. btw så är det väl knappast slumpen som är anledningen till att flera, mig veterligen, grundare/direktörer till vaccinbolag, är muslimer... (står i bibeln ©, att de som sökt beskydd i Herren inte behöver frukta pesten.. allah är Djävulen btw, jag har sett den phan i drömmar och syner)

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